ஞாயிறு, 8 செப்டம்பர், 2019

தொல்தமிழர் அறிவியல் – 77 :  24. கூந்தல்கழித்தல்

In socio- religious aspects
Role of hair in rituals and ceremonies

                       “Even though  beauteous aspect of hair among women is elaborately spoken in Sagam literature, we can not but mention about the ritual of tonsure by men on the eve of religious functions and temple festivals and household ceremonies.

                                    Hair is essential aspect of handsomeness among men also. When elders die, the next of kin, a male prefers to sacrifice  his hair as a mark of deep respect and reverence  to the departed person. In ancient days men are also having long hair. In south East Asia and in Indonesia male were having long hair and it was valued also until the 17th century.

                       Only when alien influence creeped into the society, having crop by partially  cutting the hair has become the fashion. Even women have followed this practice in Thailand the reason being that a whimsical king, when found a long hair in his cooked food ordered that all women should keep their hair short.

                             Men too having long hair had been a practice as explained  by Purananooru(251, 9 ) and (77, 279). They too donned thei long hair with garlands and offered such fresh garlands to the images of God Siva also.
They tonsure the hair and don it with green leaves when they go for wars or battles. Such preparation of shaving the hair and donning it was performed even for a very young boy when he goes for fighting in the absence of elders  in his home.(Puram. 279.) – Editor. -------தொடரும்……

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