ஞாயிறு, 9 அக்டோபர், 2016

Drinking too much Water can kill you
Study says “8 Glasses A Day ” Mantra A Myth. One should Drink By Thirst
                                  Melbourne : Driking too much water may cause potentially fatal water intoxication. Claims a new study which has for the first time identified the mechanism that regulates fluid intake in the human body and stops us from over drinking.
                         The study led by researchers from Monash University in Australia. Challenges the popular idea that we should drink eight glasses of water a day for good health.
                         It showed that a ‘swallowing inhibition ‘ is activated by the brain after excess liquid is consumed helping maintain tightly calibrated volumes o water in the body.
                           “ If we just do what our body demands us to we will probably get it right ~ just drink according to drinking too much water puts the body in danger of water intoxication of hyponatremia. When vital levels of sodium in the blood become abnormally low. Potentially causing symptoms ranging from lethargy and nausea to convulsions and coma thirst rather than an elaborate schedule “ said Michael Farrell. Associate professor at Monash.

                                            For more Pl. Read… Times of India ~ 10/10/16.

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