வியாழன், 12 செப்டம்பர், 2019

தொல்தமிழர் அறிவியல் –81 : 25. ஐந்தறிவில் ஆறறிவு

தொல்தமிழர் அறிவியல் –81 :  25. ஐந்தறிவில் ஆறறிவு

Ancient human ancestor had a sixth sense
   New research shows that humans and many land animals may have descended from a creature that had an enhanced electroreceptive sense.
Humans are traditionally understood to possess only five senses, but now new research into our evolutionary past suggests that there may have been a time when our distant ancestors had an enhanced 'sixth sense' which we have since lost, according.
ஆயினும் மேலைநாட்டு அறிவியல் அறிஞர்கள் ( மின்அதிர்வு அலைகள் ) ”வருமுன் அறியும் அறிவுஎன்பதை ஆறாவது அறிவு எனக்கொள்கின்றனர். இதனடிப்படையில் நிகழ்த்திய ஆய்வில்  இயற்கைப் பேரிடர்களை ஆறாவது அறிவாகிய, வருமுன் உணரும் அறிவாற்றலை  நீர்வாழ் விலங்குகள் பெற்றிருக்கின்றன என்று கண்டுபிடித்துள்ளனர்  மனிதன் உள்ளிட்ட நில வாழ் உயிரினங்கள் அவ்வறிவாற்றலை இழந்துவிட்டன என்றும் கூறுகின்றனர். நீரிலும் நிலத்திலும் வாழும் தகவமைப்பைக் கொண்ட உயிரினங்களை ஆராய்ச்சி செய்து ஆறாவது அறிவை மெய்ப்பிக்கின்றனர்..
               தொல்காப்பியர் கருதியவாறு நிலவாழ் உயிரிங்களுள் யானை, கிளி, குரங்கு முதலாயினவும் இயற்கைப் பேரிடர்களை முன் உணர்ந்து இடம் பெயர்ந்து சென்று விடுகின்றன என்பதை நில நடுக்கம், கடற்கோள் நிகழ்ந்தகாலங்களில் நாம் கண்டுணர்ந்தோம்.
                  ஐம்புலன்களால் நுகரும்சுவை, ஒளி, ஊறு, ஓசை, நாற்றம் என்ற ஐந்துடன் ஆறாவது அறிவாகிய மனம் இயற்கையில் எழும் மின் அதிர்வு அலைகளை உணரும் அறிவை மனிதமனம் இழந்து விட்டதாக அறிஞர்கள் கூறுகின்றனர். அரிசுடாட்டில், பல நீர்வாழ் உயிரினங்களை ஆறறிவுப் பட்டியலில் குறித்துள்ளார்.
Senses: Fifth and Sixth
                                “The earliest extant Tamil grammarian Tolkappiar says that human beings are endowed with the sixth sense,(vide the stanza 3:9: 577.). To this group is to be added the celestial beings and also the birds and animals such as Parrot, Monkey and Elephant; as the next stanza 3: 9: 588 hints at. The list of three creatures is given by Ilampooranar, the earliest commentator of Tolkappiam.
                             What has been informed by Tolkappiam can be ascertained by the following incidents and literary references.
i.              Mrs. Neelam, wife of Sharma was found murdered in her house at Agra on Feb.20. Sharma noticed that his Parrot at home, on many occasions screeched aloud when Ashutosh, his nephew visited the house. Soalso even when his name was mentioned in casual talk with others. Then Sharma reported it to the police and they arrested Ashutosh. He confessed to have committed the crime. Times of India, 27/2.2014.
ii.            In the passage from Akananooru, quoted above (303) Avvaiyaar says that quite a number of birds brought umpteen sheaves of paddy from outside to the people of Parambu country when they were blockaded  by three Tamil monarchs. So did the Parrots too in a similar entanglement as Kapilar, the poet says in a poem in Purananooru .
iii.           In West Bengal’s Olgara village of Purulia dstrict, a tusker smashed a house into rubbles. But before it leaves the scene, it heard the cry of a child under  derbis. Very carefully it removed the brick and mortar from the body of the child and then head back to the forest.—Times of India, 12/3/2014.
iv.           Two  passages from Sangam literature ( Akam-392,and puram.17.) refer respectively of a male elephant that had been on fast after the death of its mate and another one that laboriously  rescued an elephant that had fallen into a pit.
v.            An elephant, seriously injured in a hunting spree of poachers somehow rushed to a forest guest house and looked desperately at the manager. He took pity on it and informed a medical team located at a place, 200 miles from there. The team took six hours to reach the guest house  but until then the elephant waited there. The team removed the bullet from its body and dressed the gunshot wound. –Daily Thanthi – youth special,18/8/2016.
vi.           National Geographic Tamil channel (27/01/2017.) has telecast a scene in which a monkey dug out a pit for getting water from a spring, very near a pond where in a depleting muddy water crocodiles swan around. The monkey had found it risky to go to the pond and hence its clever attempt to dug out a spring nearby.

It may be recalled that in Tamil Nadu and in Greece, great thinkers have discovered  that not only the human beings have the sixth sense but also animals as well. Aristotle and Valluvar are alike in pointing out that these are five sense organs for human beings. Tolkappiam points out that human mind are endowed with sixth sense. Aristotle gives a list of water-borne and land-living eleven creatures that have got sixth sense. But he has not included elephant, parrot and monkey as Tolkappiar has done. –Editor.------தொடரும்……

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